Certification and Traceability
Packing Slips clearly state the condition of the material purchased, as well as our in-house Batch tracking number. Manufacturer 8130-3 forms (or equivalent) are supplied as are available for Factory New Products. Rotable items are supplied with approved shop 8130-3 forms (or equivalent) as are available. Our Company’s C of C is also on the packing slip.A Company approved inspector signs the C of C after all parts and trace source paperwork has been inspected and conformity to the requirements of the Customer’s Purchase Order is verified.

Procurement Control (Aeronautical)
Records Pertaining to purchase / acquisition, material certification and test/work reports are maintained on file for a period of no less than seven years.WWAS (Canada) inc. maintains an approved vendor database.

Receiving Inspection
All shipments are inspected for conformity to the requirements as listed on the WWAS (Canada) Inc. purchase order. Purchase orders are used for all Aeronautical products procurement. Inspected items are properly segregated from items awaiting inspection.Age controlled / shelf life items are identified and labeled. Any item rejected is immediately placed into a quarantine area of Bonded Store.

Material storage and handling area(s)
Access to WWAS (Canada) Inc. stock room(s) is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Packaging and Shipping
Procedures/ training practices are in place to ensure that
shipments are properly protected against damages that could occur in-transit. All items preparing to shipment are inspected, as is the packaging choice (inclusive of filler materials).

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